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Friday, February 27, 2009

A very sad video..but is a good one. In case you do not understand the video, heres the "moral of the story": As you know , kiwi is a bird that cannot fly. This particular kiwi thinks even for the last time of his life at least he made his dream come true, ....To fly..

A lesson to learn not to give up easily even how hard life is..just work hard to reach yoru dream..so jiayou to all! ^^

11:23 PM

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Today (well is almost yesterday..) is somehow a tiring day. Woke up early for piano...go to see the doctor about my ankle...and also traveling around singapore via MRT. About my ankle.... went to the radiology section and being exposed to radiation for a few sec. The doctor said my ankle is as good as normal. Plan to remove the metal after my BMT. (yeah, 1 week MC ^^) Specialist sure earn a lot. Go visit a specialist and have a chat, consultation fees $60+ The saying "Health is Wealth" is certainly true.

After that, i was supposed to go to marina bay and meet up my secondary friends. The problem is it is CANCELLED! and I Don't Know! haha not being angry here. Its just i'm unlucky, didn't received the sms...(Dun worry weikiat, i believed you sms-ed). Travelled from Bishan MRT to Marina Bay and back again...ZZzzz

Talking about outing, this coming saturday class outing is CANCELLED! again. I'm not surprised..The only time we gotta meet is on the day of A level results ( which is probably next friday).... The good thing is i have more time to study for my japanese test coming up now that the outing is cancelled^^

No pictures today...feeling sleepyZZzz thats all for now. Oyasuminasai!

11:55 PM

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

My Japanese exam is round the corner.. Theres a lot vocabs and grammer to familiarise..@.@

Well today went to Bukit Badok Park with a friend..kinda a last minute thing. (cos he don't want to be alone =.=). Going there is not the problem..is the part where it started to rain! Well our (actually his)"objective" is to go there and take "some"( 77 of them!) photos. His photos must better be worth the trip..

A class outing is supposedly be held this saturday. So far theres not much progress but im still being optimistic about it ^^ So hope all goes well...and let it be the very 1st (maybe last too =( ) 07S05 gathering!

Music- Just uploaded "Your Call". A slow and emo song but i find it not bad at all. Also saw the latest Ayumi Hamsaki's "Rule" PV. Well disappointing though...the song is not my type =( And also, Ayu's MTVs are sometime quite..er...weird. Heres some screenshots of her latest PV:

*should say she has a pair of big eyes and fanciful eyeleash...*

11:50 PM

Monday, February 23, 2009

Zimbabwe Hyper Inflation!

Saw this in "Stomp" website. Zimbabwe is experiencing hyper inflation. This is caused by corruption, political instability, poor finance management of the country. Here are some pictures:

A 500 million note in Zimbabwe carries the same value as a $2 USD

A packet of tibits cost at least 10 million dollars!

"How many million for a chicken ah?"

If you wanna eat in a restaurant, all you have to do is to bring the money..

A bottle of beer please.. heres the money.

Some smart people changes their cash to USD.. Well the money changers are lazy to count, they weigh instead.

"Heres your monthly salary.." You need a car to carry them home...

Imagine you got your weekly pocket money.. A wallet is not enough.

Everyones a billionaire!

Ok thats all for now. How fortunate am i in Singapore.

4:40 PM

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Oh my the month of Feb is gonna end. Wow thats fast... Gonna have a japanese test soon. written and oral! Well it has been sometimes since i have a test....Gotta study more this week. Gambate! I heard that A level result will be out on 6th of March! (questionable sources). Cant say i'm not anxious about it. Also heard that there will be a class outing! 0.o. Dont mind going...(well it may be the 1st successful class outing i suppose). Plan to go vivo and watch movie as a class.

I discovered something too. Theres a new Ayu's album coming out on march. Well not gonna buy it of course (since i have my sources ^^) The album gonna comeout in different forms( Cds..Dvds..). But the unique thing is this particular album, "Next Level" is also going to be distributed as a USB form too! !st time in japan i think... Heres a picture.

Unique huh?

Ok thats all for now..Signing off

7:00 PM

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The above says it all!

I'm in like a crazy musical mood this past few days. Always looking for nice songs ( well mostly pop songs). Updating myself by looking at MTV music charts, Oricon charts....Youtube...Basically what i do is as follows:
1) Look at music charts
2) "Listen to song in Youtube
3) "Wa! nice song!"...go to my "sources" and dll!
4) Share with frens=P and put in blog!

After sometimes...(and with perseverance) i have manage to find a suitable music player in my blog! Yeah finally.. (nt really good in Html stuffs). Will update the player if there are more songs.
Btw.. to choose the music in player, just click on the "flying" titles in the screen..in case you don't know=) Thats all for now!

12:30 AM

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

Yeah, today is valentine's day. (haha actually just discovered it is today a few days back only) Heard thats schools are also celebrating it yesterday. Well not actually "Valentines" cos u know...schools...BGR...yeah. Instead, students celebrates Friendship day. Haha singles celebrates friendship, couples celebrate valentines. Win-win situation.

Also learnt something from my japanese sensei. Something called white valentine. Well she said in japan, its the females who give gifts to males on Valentine's Day. Males do not.(haha weird yeah) BUT! one month later, the males have to buy back gifts to the females whom he receives the gifts. That day is called "White Valentines"
So i think is rather a fair thing. Give 1, Get 1.Give none , Get none. There will have no such thing as spending more, receiving less. haha.

Just discovered Ayumi Hamasaki's new singles is coming out! I like most of her songs..reason is they are catchy and nice. ( Yuna ito also not bad ^^) Listened to the preview of this new singles...well sad to say.... its not really my type =( Also heard that her this coming song is being used in a new movie called "Dragonball Evolution". 0.o A westerned style movie somemore... btw i never watch a single "Dragonball" episodes.

Well enough said for now... P.s changed my bgm to "Final fantasy IX: Melodies Of Lfe" (soothing music indeed)

11:54 PM

Monday, February 9, 2009

11:14 PM

Sunday, February 8, 2009

You Must Have A Broken Heart

The way you say
The things you do
The softness of the words you choose
The times that you can read my mind
And take my worries outta sight

Your fingers touching on my lips
That say a kiss, is still a kiss
And when you look at me, I see
I see the pain that you had to feel

You must have had a broken heart
To love me the way you do
Must have been so torn apart
I can see it when I look at you
All the meaning that is in your eyes
The love you give will never die
And I knew right from the start
You must have had a broken heart

You seem to have that certain smile,
I can't forget after a while
The day you walked into the room
At once I knew the hurt
That you have been through

You must have had a broken heart
To love me the way you do
You must have been so torn apart
I can see it when I look at you
All the meaning that is in your eyes
The love you give will never die
And I knew right from the start
You must have had a broken heart

Sometimes, when it is late at night
And I see your face in the firelight
Showing all the love you have for me
Well I love you as much

You must have had a broken heart
To love me the way you do
You must have been so torn apart
I can see it when I look at you
All the meaning that is in your eyes
The love you give will never die
And I knew right from the start
You must have had a broken heart
Sometime (sometime)

Must have been to torn apart (must have had a broken heart, yeah)
I can see it when I look at you (all the meaning that is in your eyes)
The love you give will never die
And I knew right from the start
You must have had a broken heart

10:00 PM

Friday, February 6, 2009

Yu-u- ha-n
Haha thats my japanese name! Sounds the same as Yew Hung actually. Still getting use to getting called Yuu-han with "san" at the end.. ( well at least it is better than being called with a "chan" e.g Yuu-han chan..). Well learning jap is not really easy as it may seem. Many exceptions, rules.....it is like literally learning it from scratch. Share something interesting:

Christmas = Ku-ri-su-masu
Valentine Day = Ba-len-tain-dee

Im all in jap mode this 2 months. Haha. Listening to japs songs...( juz downloaded new Ayu's album, Yuna ito and Westlife. illegal >.<) Enough of Jap... now comes to something serious! Feburary has arrived. Yup time files as always. Well Feburary not only means that i left approximately er... 3 months till Ns. I have a strong feeling that A levels result gonna comeout. *lub*Dub*... Have done my best. Hope theres surprises instead of shock. Dunno what i want to study after A level... dunno what i wanna be... Well whats done is done, all i can do is to wait for the news. Gambate to me and everyone! sayoonara.. P.s My web music nice rite ^^ haha.

10:00 PM